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Vitamin D is important for good bones and children that don’t get enough vitamin D can develop rickets, which causes bowed legs and knock knees. Adults that are deficient in vitamin D can develop bone weakness and increased risk of broken bones. 

Vitamin D is very important in bone health as it assists with the absorption of calcium and it recommended that if you’re taking calcium supplements for weak bones or osteoporosis, then a good Vitamin D supplement is required as well.  

The main source we get Vitamin D from is from our exposure to the sun, but unfortunately with New Zealand’s porous ozone layer, this exposes you to sun burn and the chance of aging skin and serious skin conditions later on in life. 

There are a select number of foods that help you with you daily dose of Vitamin E like liver, oily fish, eggs and dairy products. 
People living in the South Island are especially susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency, especially during the winter months. Also if you have liver or kidney disease, or are on certain medications that affect vitamin D levels, you may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
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